Prayer Partners

Confidential prayer for clergy spouses

Would you like someone to pray for you? As clergy spouses we may sometimes feel that it is difficult to find someone to pray for and with us. Our Clergy Spouse Connect prayer team is available for you. Please contact one of the volunteers by email to set up a time to meet confidentially over phone or zoom to pray together, or to simply share your prayer requests.

Charis Ann, fluent in both English and Cantonese, lives in Richmond, B.C., where her husband serves Good Shepherd Richmond Church (Asian & Multicultural Ministries in Canada (AMMiC) . She is a mother of three daughters and loves to teach Sunday School. Charis says that having received much support herself, she sees the importance of having someone who understands this unique calling and role of a clergy spouse. She hopes to offer support to fellow clergy spouses through lending her listening ears and giving prayer support in this sacred journey together.

Kathy Doering lives in Kingston, Ontario with her husband and three college-ages kids. She works as Spiritual Care Facilitator on the Student Wellness team at St Lawrence College. She is Associate Pastor at Living Waters Church, supports children and young adult ministries and leads the worship team.

Jan Ferris, lives in Victoria, BC with her husband Ron. They have six children, eight grandchildren and one great grandson. Over the years, Jan served with her husband, Bishop Ron Ferris, in Old Crow, Yukon and St. Stephen’s parish in London, Ontario. Jan has been involved in music ministries and drama and has led several Cursillo weekends. Jan shares, “Our Lord’s great commission has been important to me and we have always been interested in mission, outreach and church planting. There is something very exciting about striking out in a new area to spread His word and reach out to others.”

Charlie and Judy Masters have been married since 1975. Charlie has been in full-time ordained ministry since 1978. They have two adult children. Over the years, Judy and Charlie have developed a deep and growing admiration and appreciation for clergy families and the unique joys and challenges they face in part because of their ministry calling. They love to pray for them and with them.

Deacon Jane Manary Parent, from St.Luke’s in Pembroke ON, teaches and serves alongside her husband, the Venerable Tim Parent. Jane also serves on the ANiC executive council. “I love the privilege and relief it is to cast everything on Jesus through prayer.”